80 research outputs found

    ODR, ontologies, and web 2.0

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    Online communities and institutions create new spaces for interaction, but also open new avenues for the emergence of grievances, claims, and disputes. Consequently, online dispute resolution (ODR) procedures are core to these new online worlds. But can ODR mechanisms provide sufficient levels of reputation, trust, and enforceability for it to become mainstream? This contribution introduces the new approaches to ODR and provides a description of the design and structure of Ontomedia, a web-based platform to facilitate online mediation in different domain

    Legal compliance support with an ontology-based information system

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    The Internet and Information Systems evolution have dramatically increased the amount of information hold by governments and companies. This information can be very sensitive, specially regarding personal data, so governments and industries promote acts and guidelines in order to ensure privacy and data security. Thus, companies have to consider legal and Information Technology (IT) compliance. Nevertheless, compliance assessment is still a manual task performed by experts, but steps towards an automated compliance assessment, both in IT and legal, are in progress. In this paper we introduce the Neurona framework, a software application based on legal and security ontologies that aims at providing organizations with legal compliance support

    Iuriservice : ontologies per a la representació del coneixement jurídic

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    En filosofia, l'ontologia és l'estudi o investigació d'allò que existeix, de l'ésser, de les seves categories o propietats fonamentals. Aquest concepte ha estat traslladat als àmbits de la computació i la intel·ligència artificial per a fer referència als intents de formulació d'esquemes conceptuals per a la representació del coneixement. La finalitat de la construcció d'aquests esquemes conceptuals, de les ontologies, és la de facilitar la comunicació i la comprensió entre home i màquina, introduint així significat en l'intercanvi d'informació, és a dir, el Web Semàntic. En el camp del dret, aquests tipus de representacions han pres importància en els últims anys davant la necessitat urgent d'organitzar la gran quantitat d'informació jurídica desestructurada que existeix. L'ontologia de coneixement professional judicial (OPJK) que presentem conceptualitza coneixement pràctic judicial per facilitar la cerca d'informació experta en Iuriservice, un sistema basat en web que ofereix una base de dades experta per a resoldre dubtes de jutges durant els seus primers anys d'incorporació a la professi

    Modeling expert knowledge in the mediation domain: a mediation core ontology

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    In this paper we introduce the Mediation Core Ontology (MCO), and the steps taken in order to model the expert knowledge on the mediation domain. MCO is created from scratch by eliciting practical knowledge from mediation experts to identify the basic working concepts of the domain. MCO offers initial support towards knowledge acquisition and reasoning and, in later steps, will serve as a general basis for the development of different mediation domain and sub-domain ontologies to be used by the ONTOMEDIA mediation platform, currently also under development

    Modeling expert knowledge in the mediation domain: a middle-out approach to design ODR ontologies

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    In this paper we describe the steps taken to model expert knowledge within the mediation domain as the basis for the design of the Mediation Core Ontology (MCO), of which we also offer a first outline of its present stage of development. MCO is created from scratch by eliciting practical knowledge from mediation experts to identify the basic working concepts of the domain. MCO offers initial support towards knowledge acquisition and reasoning and, in later steps, will serve as a general basis for the development of different mediation domain and sub-domain ontologies to be used by the ONTOMEDIA mediation platform, currently also under development

    D8.4.1 Results of user tests and completed use case studies

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    WP8 Usability and Business BenchmarkingThe procedures and results of the user tests and validation of the SEKT case study applications are described. Tests with representatives of the future user population of the BT digital library application, and of the IURISERVICE application were conducted. The results show that users are highly positive about the expected benefit of the SEKT enabled applications, as compared to their traditional tools available to them now. We see decisive performance increases as well as improvements in the quality of the information obtained in the search process. On the basis of these results we can state with confidence that the addition of SEKT functionality will be welcomed by users and will produce significant benefits

    Legal knowledge acquisition and multimedia applications

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    Search, retrieval, and management of multimedia contents are challenging tasks for users and researchers alike. The aim of e-sentencias Project is to develop a software-hardware system for the global management of the multimedia contents produced by the Spanish Civil Courts. We apply technologies such as the Semantic Web, ontologies, NLP techniques, audio-video segmentation and IR. The ultimate goal is to obtain an automatic classification of images and segments of the audiovisual records that, coupled with textual semantics, allows anefficient navigation and retrieval of judicial documents and additional legal sources

    D4.6.1.1 Report on ontology mediation for case studies v.1

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    WP4 Ontology Mediation ReportThe aim of this deliverable is to identify the requirements for mediation for the SEKT casestudies. The data sources from each case study are investigated together with the relationships between them and with the scenarios in which two or more of these data sources are used in conjunction, i.e. where data integration is needed. The requirements for mediation are identified based on these scenarios. We should note that as a result of our analysis we identified the opportunity of some architectural changes for two of the casestudies. The new data source landscapes proposed together with guidelines about different mediation approaches should serve as a pillar for the further development of thecase studies. Also the identified requirements show that the main mediation functionality on which the tools developed by the WP4 should focus on is ontology alignment

    Reasoning with multi-version ontologies: evaluation

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    Deliverable D3.5.2(WP3.5)In this document, we present an evaluation of the Multi-version Ontology Reasoning system MORE. The framework of MORE is developed based on a temporal logic approach. We take multiple versions of the legal ontology OPJK, one of the case studies in the SEKT project, as the test data set to test the prototype of the multi-version ontology reasoning system MORE, by which we investigate and evaluate the applicability of the system

    Farmacocinética de los anticuerpos monoclonales

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    Los anticuerpos monoclonales (mAb) representan uno de los grupos terapéuticos de mayor interés en el desarrollo farmacológico. Por toda su complejidad (estructural y funcional), el seguimiento farmacocinético de los fármacos biológicos debería ser imprescindible en la práctica clínica habitual. La absorción de los mAb tras su administración intramuscular o subcutánea se puede producir por vía sanguínea o linfática, y su distribución depende del mecanismo de extravasación, la afinidad del mAb para componentes tisulares y del aclaramiento (Cl) tisular. La eliminación se produce principalmente por proteolisis intracelular tras una endocitosis específica (mediada por receptor) o inespecífica. Por otro lado, la captación y posterior liberación del mAb, la redistribución del flujo sanguíneo por procesos fisiológicos, la formación de complejos y el proceso de reciclaje mediante el receptor de Brambell son los mecanismos fisiológicos que condicionan su variabilidad farmacocinética intraindividual. Además, la inmunogenicidad frente al mAb, el peso del paciente y la cantidad de antígeno diana son los principales factores que afectan a su variabilidad farmacocinética. Palabras clave: Anticuerpo monoclonal, farmacocinética, variabilidad
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